Dry Riser
Dry Riser
Total Integrated Solutions will carry out the following in line with BS9990 2015.
Minor Service Check List
- Full inspection of Inlet Cabinet, check for damage and corrosion
- Inlet Cabinet Glass: Check to see that glass is not broken or cracked
- Inlet Sign: Check to see if fitted and legible
- Inlet Breeching: Check for corrosion cracks in the body and that non return valves are in good order
- Valve Cap: Check to make sure both are fitted and in good order
- Drain Valve: Check for corrosion, that it operates correctly and is intact
- Outlet Valves: Check for body damage, that it operates correctly and is in good order
- Instantaneous Washers: Check they are in place and in good condition. Replace on major service
- Outlet Plug: Check to see if fitted and they can easily be removed and refitted
- Padlock & Straps: where fitted check to see if they are in good working order
- Air Release Valve: If fitted, check to see they are in good working order and intact
- Check where visible all exposed pipework and clamps and wall brackets
When the above Check List is completed, all operating and moving parts are cleaned and lubricated.
Major Service (Pressure Test) 17 Point Check
Inlet Pressure – a reading is taken from the bottom of the Dry Riser, the system is then pressurized to12 Bar for 15 minutes
Top Floor Pressure – a reading is taken from the top outlet valve. System is pressurized and bar pressure recorded.
Service Label – a service label is completed on every visit with findings recorded.
Cabinet Sticker – a sticker with our contact details is fitted.
System Drained and Secured – all keys and passes returned to site contact.
System maintenance certificates will be issued and a copy of the engineer’s work sheet will be given to the site contact.