The value of specialist technical knowledge

From architects and engineering consultants to M&E contractors, IRC operators already engage multiple specialists across the design and build of a new development. When it comes to planning laws or rules around temperature, lighting, door width, and turning circles, regulations are pretty well prescribed and documented. But when it comes to life safety, security and communications systems, things become a little bit less black and white and without specialist knowledge, mistakes are common and can be costly.

Installed systems are fit for purpose and include vital features and functionality

Too often, when it comes to practical completion, infrastructure and system(s) don’t meet expectations. Lack of planning or foresight means systems don’t work as expected, or don’t work at all, often because different suppliers and contractors have taken opposing approaches or have installed contradictory technologies that can’t integrate or communicate with each other.

You might not know you need a particular technology or system to be included, or specific requirements aren’t written into a clear, unambiguous specification correctly. A specialist can identify scope gaps early enough in the development process so that vital features and functionality aren’t omitted.

Installed systems are future-proofed

Technology needs to be fit for purpose not just today, but also for future.It’s difficult to overstate the importance of getting elements such as the base-level technical architecture and cabling correct from the start.

Consulting engineers, builders, and M&E contractors are engaged to get a building working. However, they rarely have the sector-specific knowledge and expertise required to understand the technical requirements of an IRC development and whether an installation can adapt to new care and retirement technologies in the future.

Installed systems deliver a positive net present value (NPV)

Getting the right technical specification at the start allows you to make informed decisions about your infrastructure investment. Having a thorough understanding of the different types of technology available, their cost and benefits, and how they can be integrated to create value for the resident, and operational value for you, offers clarity about which technology to invest in and how to maximise the return on investment.

With the right technology strategy, you can detect technical faults early, which can prevent costly downtime and repairs. Moreover, you can anticipate future technical requirements and plan accordingly, which can help to reduce capital expenditure and improve the overall efficiency of the community. By leveraging specialist technical knowledge, you can optimise your investment in infrastructure, maximise returns, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the community.

Installed systems enable ongoing compliance

Failure to comply with regulations and health and safety directives can have serious consequences. You need 100 percent confidence in your safety and security assets and knowledge that everything has been tested and recorded accurately. An effective technology strategy should provide the necessary infrastructure to maintain compliant life safety and security systems, helping to stay ahead of the regulatory curve, assuring duty-of-care and protecting and enhancing reputation, particularly important when it comes to the sale and resale value of residential units.

Installed systems offer value for money and increased dwelling desirability

You are in the business of making sure that elderly people are looked after, happy and want to move into your retirement village. Residents therefore need to be safe, secure and motivated to live in a retirement community.

The living environment has to be equal to, if not better than, the quality of life they could get in their own home.Retirees aren’t going to move out of their family home if it doesn’t provide the augmented safety and security a retirement dwelling should provide, or if it doesn’t meet expectations for creature comforts such as superfast broadband, video door entry, or smartphone-enabled home automation.

Technology moves at a fast pace so you need to ensure you’re future-proofing not just your technology, but also your long-term commercial strategy.