Total Integrated Solutions will Service your CCTV System in accordance with the National Security Inspectorate NCP 104 issue 3 code of practice.
TIS are approved by a NACOS Gold certification scheme as recommended in the NCP 104 issue 3 Code of Practice. This ensures our clients can be assured of the quality of product that we design, supply, install, commission, service & maintain is in accordance with current regulations and standards.
In Accordance with clause 11.4 of NCP 104 Issue 3 the frequency and types of preventive maintenance activities will reflect the equipment manufacturer and installer’s recommendations.
The frequency of preventive maintenance visits will meet these requirements.
- When carrying out a preventive maintenance visit, the engineer will first establish with you whether there have been any problems with the system since the last preceding preventive maintenance visit.
- The engineer will examine the system documentation, or the one kept by the customer, to see whether there have been any service calls or incidents since the last preceding routine visit.
- The technician will ensure that the customer (or the customer’s representative) is still fully conversant with the operation of the system.
The system will be visually inspected, checking the following items:
a) The number and type of cameras, detectors and illumination are in accordance with that stated in the specification and any amendment.
b) Indicators are working correctly.
c) Signage, including warning labels, is still in place.
d) All cables and conduits (including those that are flexible) are properly supported, undamaged and showing no signs of wear.
e) Ensure sound physical fixings of all equipment including examinations for loosening or corrosion of supports and fixings, including towers and brackets. Lubricate tower mechanisms, where applicable, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and repair or replace brackets as necessary.
f) All glands and seals on external equipment. Repair or replace as necessary to maintain the agreed specification.
g) Protection against climbing, tampering or vandalism is still in place and remains effective.
The system will then be functionally inspected, checking the following items:
a) The image quality of each camera and correct display selection. Note signs of condensation on windows of camera housings and reduction in image contrast.
b) Where necessary, remove covers and housings and clean interiors.
c) All camera functions comply with specification (for example pan, tilt, zoom, electronic iris, focus, wipers, washers, heaters, etc.) and that camera movement and fields of view are free from obstruction.
d) Operation of all display, record, store and network equipment (including time and date information) is satisfactory.
e) Function of all interfaces with alarms and detectors is satisfactory, including correct triggering of alarms.
f) Operation of supplementary illumination is satisfactory.
Illumination sources will be replaced at frequencies recommended by manufacturers to minimise the possibility of failure between preventive maintenance visits.
Items requiring attention will be rectified and/or reported as necessary, recording all such work on the preventive maintenance report.
Check that the performance of the system(s) continues to meet the agreed specification/UR and any periodic test scheme agreed with the customer.
Responsibilities of the Client
The user should record appropriate details regarding any fault that occurs with the CCTV system. The information recorded should include the following: – date and time; identity and location of the equipment and name of person recording the information.